Kids-to-Kids Making a Difference

Avery Cox planned and implemented a “Kids-to-Kids Karnival" at Jones Intermediate School in Mount Airy, NC.

A fifth grade student decided to make a difference


Avery Cox planned and implemented a “Kids-to-Kids Karnival" at Jones Intermediate School in Mount Airy, NC. Through her acquaintance with Kiran Charities, she found out that primary school children in Vellore, India needed chicken eggs to supplement their daily meal of rice. She also wanted to help provide playground equipment for the primary school children in Kenni Kuppam, India. With the help of her classmate, Bailey Sizemore, they recruited other classmates and held a Carnival. Those in attendance played a variety of games, took part in a range of fun activities, and tried their hand at making Indian crafts. Local merchants donated an assortment of prizes. Avery raised $800. With that money the two schools in India will be able fix up their chicken coop, buy chickens, and get some badly needed playground equipment.



Avery Cox

Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop