Kids-to-Kids Update

Nambikkai Illam Orphanage buys cows to provide milk for the children

Kids-to-Kids buys cows for the orphanage


The Mount Airy, North Carolina Kids-to-Kids project is up and running. Over the summer months children in the Jones Resource Center summer program raised money to provide milk for the children in India. In August of 2013, the Nambikkai Illam (Home of Hope) Orphanage in Vellore used this money so that they could begin to offer their children milk on a regular basis. The orphanage purchased a cow and a calf. In a very short period of time, their numbers grew. Now they have three cows, two female calves and one male calf. They also used the arrival of the cows as a reason to fix up a barnyard area and a cowshed. Plans are now in the works to prepare an area for chickens so the children can enjoy fresh eggs as a supplement to their meals.




